Roma youth summer school ‘Sir džives Baltija 2023’ in Tallinn

From the 19th to 22nd of July 2023, the Roma youth summer school “Sir džives Baltija 2023” was held in Tallinn, where young people from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland gathered. During the summer school, Roma youth studied the concept of “anti-gypsyism” and their personal experiences; visited the Roma Genocide Memorial in Kalevi-Liiva; improved their […]

‘Šukar Beauty’

Birželį antakių ir blakstienų grožio kabinetą „Šukar Beauty“ atvėrusios romės Rumina ir Kristina, netrukus klientes pakvies užsukti ir pas plaukų meistrę. Ši grožio laboratorija jos įkūrėjoms ir visai romų bendruomenei – įrodymas, kad romai geba siekti karjeros ir kurti verslą. Beauty salon ‘Šukar Beauty’ were opened by Rumina and Kristina in June. They will soon […]

Roma mediator training in Riga

On 14th – 15th of July 2023, the mediator training ‘Mediation Based on Conflict Solution’ took place in Riga (Latvia). The training was conducted by Evija Klave – the PhD of Social Sciences and certificated mediator.