Mediators work in the project “Lithuanian Roma Platform – going local” since 2016. They are helping Roma community members to solve the issues with governmental and municipality institutions. After the new project year has begun, four mediators started their work as well. We have our representatives in Vilnius, Jonava, Marijampolė and Kybartai cities. Intercultural mediation […]
Rugsėjo 13 d. Nacionalinėje Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekoje vyks tarptautinė konferencija „Re-working the trauma: research on roma and jews in the Baltics and USA“, kurią organizuoja Romų visuomenės centras, daugiakultūris jaunimo centras „Padėk pritapti“ ir Lietuvos žydų bendruomenė. On the 13th of September The International conference “Re-working the trauma: research on Roma and Jews in the […]
On the 3th of August, 2022 in the “MO” museum took place a premiere of the play “I am Karolis, Samudaripen” with the actor Marius Jampolskis, the winner of the 3 awards of “silver cane” and a “golden cross” in the main role. It is the story about a child who really wanted to survive […]
On July 21, a meeting with Vilnius district municipality occurred. During the meeting, the problems of Roma community members who lives in Vilnius district municipality, was discussed. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Vilnius District Municipality, representatives of the department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, representatives of […]